Thursday, November 24, 2011

First Impression: Doctor Who

"Who are you?" "I'm The Doctor". After a week of watching I have grown to love those simple six words. This week's First Impression is Doctor Who and god damn what an impression it left.

Doctor Who was a 1960's British television series that was famous for its ground-breaking science fiction and originality. It was canned in 1989 as the views started to slow down disappointing many people but in 2005 BBC decided to bring it back and since then it has gained a very large and die hard fanbase. Many many people have been telling me to watch it but I never had the time to get into it and the show just seemed weird to me. I never saw the original so I didn't think I would be interested in this one. This was a big mistake as after watching a bunch episodes I cannot stop.

The show follows "The Doctor" a time lord who has the means and will to go wherever and whenever he pleases in time and space. This plot gives the story endless amounts of possibilities and makes every episode new, exciting and a joy to watch. Remember when I say wherever and whenever I really do mean it! From Charles Dickens to the first people on Mars to the end of the world, The Doctor goes as he pleases visiting anyone he wants.

Most shows I watch nowadays do take a while to get into but not Doctor Who. After the first episode I was deeply intrigued by the strong protagonist and wanted to learn more and more about him. I honestly haven't seen anything like it! The die hard fans are right and I can see why they love it. With all the stuff I have to watch/play for NNandMR I find myself wanting to skip it all so I can dive deeper into the universe of Doctor Who. It really is a thing of wonder. The writing is cool and snappy and most episodes do have different writers giving more strength to that "fresh" feeling I was talking about. The Doctor has a great sense of humour to him and reacts really well with all the characters he encounters. He's kind and lovable, if your not charmed by him you have no heart. Side characters are all quirky and witty in their own way but aren't nearly as cool compared to The Doctor.

I don't really have to much to complain about either. I would say that some characters get drafted to the side because The Doctor is so awesome but I can't get mad at someone for creating a fantastic character. Some CGI looks a little weak for the time and some of the side characters have very cheesy acting, but if you look past those minor problems you will find a deep and enriching storyline like nothing you have ever seen. Seriously check it out.

So what's the First Impression? Doctor Who is an incredible scifi series that impressed me to the point that it was overwhelming. I can't say too much because I have barley scratched the surface of this beauty, but lord knows I cannot wait to fully experience all The Doctor has to offer.

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